Frequently asked questions
01 - Are there additional charges for delivery and/or set up?
Delivery charges are based on zip code. Set up is included with all of our packages.
02 - Can you set up a tent on pavement?
We are currently not equipped to set up tents on pavement.
03 - What color are your chairs?
All of our chairs are white.
04 - How much space do I need to fit a 20' x 20' tent?
We recommend having a total empty space or 30' x 30' to fit this size tent comfortably.
05 - How much space do I need for a 20' x 40' tent?
We recommend having a total empty save of 30' x 50' to fit this size tent comfortably.
06 - Do you rent linens?
Yes! And quite a variety as well! Visit our pricing & packages page.
07 - If I order a package and need additional chairs or tables, how much would they cost?
They would be the same price as indicted on our rentals page - $2.00 per chair and $10 for either round or long tables.
08 - How many chairs/people can be seated at a 6' long table?
6-8 chairs/people depending on if you are adding a seat to each "head" of the table.
09 - How many chairs/people can be seated at a 8' long table?
8-10 chairs/people depending on if you are adding a seat to each "head" of the table.
10- How many chairs/people can be seated at a 60" round table?
8 chairs/people.